Today, 8th of june, started in Lebanese capital’s Beirut the Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference. More than 25 organizations from 14 countries respond to the call of the “Middle-East Youth Initiative” and started collective discussions and exchanges !
“Let us build a free life and a future that ensures coexistence with justice and equality for all faiths, components & genders according to the principles of humanity & a dignified life!”

After the participants have introduced themselves the conference started by an opening speech given by Medya Yusif, a member of the preparatory committee. Close to 100 participants listened to messages from abroad that were read out and watched video messages of organizations that could not participate physically : RAWA (Revolutionary Afghan Women Association) or YPJ (Women Protection Unit) were part of them.

The conference continued with two panels “War and Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa” & “Crisis in the Middle East, Ways and Means of Women’s Struggle”, which open the possibility for the participants to sharpen their analysis of the current situation and exchanges perspectives for their future work. The necessity of strengthen and connect the struggle was seen clearly.

After a successful first day of the conference, a cultural program provided a fitting conclusion. Tomorrow, the conference will continue with various workshops. The focus will be on the search for possible solutions and alternatives to existing problems, our role as young people and especially the role of young women in the struggle for an alternative to capitalism, crisis and war.
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